Respected Researcher Puts Millions of Science Papers Online for Free
| |Respected scientist Alexandra Elbakyan has taken action to make science open to everyone. With a belief that everyone should have access to information that expands their knowledge, regardless of whether or not they can pay $32 or more for peer reviewed papers is important.When Elbakyan uploaded these papers to Pirate Bay, she made a statement. Her feeling though wasn’t one she alone had. More than 15,000 scientists support this move. They have even gone as far as threaten to boycott Elseiver who has been the leader in creating excessive costs to access basic information.
Elbakyan has been sued for doing irreparable harm with the article values being in the millions. It is also undetermined if legal action can be taken for her actions. Regardless of how this bold move has turned out, she has already become a champion for science.
The original article reads:
Researcher illegally shares millions of science papers free online to spread knowledge
For those of you who aren’t already using it, the site in question is Sci-Hub, and it’s sort of like a Pirate Bay of the science world. It was established in 2011 by neuroscientist Alexandra Elbakyan, who was frustrated that she couldn’t afford to access the articles needed for her research, and it’s since gone viral, with hundreds of thousands of papers being downloaded daily. But at the end of last year, the site was ordered to be taken down by a New York district court – a
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