Transforming Carbon Dioxide into Rock
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Carbon dioxide continues to add more damage to the atmosphere because of humans. Because of this, global warming is reaching more alarming levels. The need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere is imperative. That is why an international group of scientists have found a way to do just this by turning carbon dioxide into tangible rock. Their process involves injecting carbon dioxide into volcanic bedrock. The gas reacts with the rock and then forms harmless minerals.
Basalt potentially provides the largest storage capacity for carbon dioxide. Storing emitted carbon dioxide emphasizes the acceptance of carbon capture and carbon storage to mitigate technology for climate change. The process of capturing carbon dioxide and storing it in basalt is called CarbFix. Imagine the entire world, capturing and storing carbon dioxide in basalt. The global warming problem would truly be reduced significantly. Once CarbFix is adapted by every factory and power plant, less carbon dioxide will remain in the atmosphere. Then our planet can have a better, brighter future.
See the video below for more on this awesome project, or visit the CarbFix Project Site.
Cover photo credits: Sandra O Snaebjornsdottir.