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The Most Polluted Places on Earth Named

It’s not at all unusual that cities and states that are the most populated are the areas where there is the most pollution. Conversely in most cases the areas that discuss ways to stop pollution and create the most laws about pollution tend to be areas that are the least polluted and add ways to prevent it.

In this case, that does not appear to be the way in which the pollution situation has played out. The most polluted areas in the world are those areas which have created the most laws about pollution and restricted behavior as  well as having made the most noise about pollution. It looks like all of these areas have some additional work to do.


England, New York and China the Most Polluted Places on Earth

Much of England, northern Europe, New York and China have been named and shamed as being the worst polluted places on Earth.

NASA has revealed for the first time a global map of nitrogen dioxide levels in the air – the result of burning fossil fuels – and these areas stand out in striking red.

The map grades all land areas from blue – being the least polluted through green, yellow, orange to red, being the most affected by the gas.

In the UK, the south east and, midlands and north of England are all in the worst red zone.

Most of north America and Europe are in the mid green to yellow zone, apart from the New York area which is far higher in pollution.

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