Unmasking the Real Pterosaur Dinosaurs are known as terrible lizards, being gigantic reptilian creatures from a bygone era. The pterosaur was a winged variety of dinosaurs, known to
The Ongoing Brain Debate It was conventionally believed that the mind of adults stops replenishing itself at maturity. The scientific community has remained divided on the issue, as
A Sleep-deprived Nation Proper sleep is a necessary activity for a healthier life, but Americans seem to be silently suffering from a lack of this vital need and
Plants Were Hardier than Expected Many plants are known for their extreme resilience and longevity. New fossil findings suggest that a greater number of species may have survived
Asexual Pests Threaten Antarctic Banks Antarctic moss is facing impending threats from the infestation of an all-female species of midges (Eretmoptera murphyi). The pest can lay up to